Monday, July 6, 2015

Superman Taggie Blanket

A good friend of mine, Keri, is expecting in August!

I'm planning to give Keri quite a few practical things.  But I also wanted to give her some personalized gifts for the baby.  They have not yet revealed his name.  However, after throwing her a really cute Gender Reveal Party in March (maybe one day I'll remember to post it!), we discovered that she LOVES Superman.  Yes, it's a boy.

I recently received the Baby Shower invitation, unfortunately I'm going to have to miss the shower because it's during our trip to Maine.  Anyway.  Around the same time I received the invitation I found some super cute, not too expensive fabric at Wal-mart.  It was meant to be.

The first thing I decided to make with this fabric is a Taggie Blanket.  This is a really easy project, great for beginners.

The first thing you are going to do is cut 2 shapes (they need to be mirror images of each other) out of fabric.  You don't need a whole lot of fabric and your really can choose any dimensions you want.  A lot of people do square taggie blankets, they are probably the easiest.  Because of the theme I chose to cut out a Superman symbol.

Now its time to cut out your ribbon.  I had a variety of ribbon just laying around so I chose 5 of them that coordinated with my fabric. It's great to have a variety of sizes and texture.  I then cut them into 3 inch strips.

I folded the ribbons in half and sandwich the ribbons between the two pieces of fabric (the fabric is going to be right sides touching each other).  The rough edges of the ribbon matched up with the rough edge of the fabric.  Place a pin on each piece of ribbon to hold it in place.  You can measure to make sure the ribbons are the same distance apart but you don't have to (I didn't).

Sew around the fabric, carefully removing the pins while keeping the ribbon in place.  Leave space open between two ribbons so that you can turn the fabric right side out.  After sewing go ahead and turn the fabric right side out.

Now it's time to close that small opening.

Simply fold the unfinished edges in.  Then stitch around the edge of the ENTIRE blanket (this is called top stitching.  It will close the opening, make the blanket look nicer and help make sure the ribbons don't come out.)

And Wallah!  Your taggie blanket!!!

Stay tuned for a couple of more projects with the left over material!

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