Monday, June 22, 2015

Having a #LaysSummer

Several weeks ago, right before summer officially started for us (A.K.A. the kids getting out of school), I had a bout of insomnia.  As with many in this technological age I turned my phone to browse the web, stalk friends on Facebook to see what they've been up to and like a whole bunch of Disney pictures on Instagram.  It was at this time that I found a link to have my "perfect summer day" picture on a bag of Lay's chips.  Although I had a limited amount of summer pictures on my phone I thought, what the heck.  So I submitted one and was told that in 24 hours it would let me know if I was approved.

48 hours later I received this email from Lay's potato chips:  Thanks again for submitting your photo with the Lay’s Summer Bag Creator. Your bag is included here featuring your favorite summer moment! Feel free to share on social using #LaysSummer and check back to see if it made our site gallery at

The email included a picture that I submitted placed on a digital Lay's bag.  Oh well. I was hoping for an actual bag of potato chips with our picture on it. But it's cool to be able to see a picture of the bag on the email and potentially on the website.  I'll check that later...

Fast Forward almost exactly a month later...  
UPS knocks on my door unexpectedly (usually I get a text from UPS MYCHOICE) and this is waiting for me.

Certainly it couldn't be...could it?  Oh my gosh, it is! My personalized bag of Lay's potato chips!!!

I had chosen a picture of 3 of my best friends and me (I was blessed with 5 best friends, most I've known for over 25 years).  It was taken in early March, hence the light jackets.  But there's the beach!

I am so happy with my bag of potato chips.  I hate to eat them because it's so cool!  And I'd really like my best friends Monica and Jaime to come to town to share them (my other best friend, Jessie already lives in town.  She needs to come too).  So girls...when are we eating our bag of chips?!?!  They expire in August so we must plan!

Want your own bag of personalized Lay's Potato Chips?  There's still a link available still, so you should try!  Here it is:  If you receive a bag I'd love you to comment with a picture so I can see yours too!
  This post is not sponsored by Lays.  I requested a free bag of chips with the picture but was not compensated in any way for posting on this blog.

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